On Wednesday 10th April 2024 Fresh Aviation and Bristol Airport held the first spotters evening of the year and it was a great success. Fifty visitors of all ages attended the event with all ticket sale proceeds going to Bristol Airport charity of year, which this year is Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.
Despite the damp and dreary weather everyone had a great time, got together and chatted and enjoyed the atmosphere, sadly the weather had other ideas and the end of the event was fogged out, but still made for interesting viewing and attendees saw the humourous side.

The event is held on the roof terrace of the admin building situated on the south side of Bristol Airport, the terrace offers panoramic views across the runway, taxiways and aprons of the airport and gives a great view not often available and not open to the general public.
We are very privileged the airport is hoping to run a spotters event on a monthly basis during the summer months, we are hoping the next event will be drier and brighter, along with being warmer!
All proceeds from ticket sales over the course of this year will be donated directly to GWAAC.

Simon has been writing aviation articles for nearly 10 years and is the senior article writer at Fresh Aviation, with a background in aviation and a commercial pilot Simon knows his stuff in the aviation world. Simon has spoken on BBC Radio, contributed to Bristol Post and has various aviation articles on various websites.