We are pleased to announce that there will be a Spotters Evening on Wednesday 27th July 2022 between 17.30pm and 19.30pm on the roof of the Bristol Airport administration building, this building gives great views of the runway 27 touchdown as well as different background views for photography. The event will include free parking and tea/coffee will be available. Numbers are limited and there will be 17 tickets available which will be made available to register from Wednesday 6th July, please visit the Bristol Airport Spotting Facebook page for the ticket registration page.
We would like to request no more than 2 tickets per household to keep things fair for all. The cost will be £10 per ticket payable on the door which will go to the airport charity of the year, which is Teenage Cancer Trust. More information is available on the Bristol Airport Spotting website at Spotters Evening 2022
This is the first event we are holding at Bristol Airport since the Covid-19 pandemic with the potential for further events depending on how this next event goes, airport availability and other factors. The event has been organised by Fresh Aviation in partnership with Bristol Airport and Bristol Airport Spotting.

Simon has been writing aviation articles for nearly 10 years and is the senior article writer at Fresh Aviation, with a background in aviation and a commercial pilot Simon knows his stuff in the aviation world. Simon has spoken on BBC Radio, contributed to Bristol Post and has various aviation articles on various websites.