Since forming Fresh Aviation in 2013 we have so far created 3 successful aviation communities that connects members from around the UK and Europe to aviation content, media and more. Outlined below are our current aviation communities we have formed.

Bristol Airport Spotting

Welcome to the Bristol Airport Spotting Facebook group, we offer spotting information, photos, videos and news from Bristol Airport to give like minded spotters the most up to date and accurate details for spotting aircraft at Bristol Airport. Our Facebook group is for our friends, followers and members to share their photos, videos, links and information regarding Bristol Airport with the community of enthusiasts and spotters.

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South West Aviation Photographers

Welcome to the Facebook group for South West Aviation Photographers where aviation images from the South West region of the United Kingdom can be posted.

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Icelandair Spotters and Enthusiasts

This group is dedicated to aviation enthusiasts, spotters and fans of Icelandair. Feel free to share your Icelandair photos, memories, news and information from the past, present and future with this dedicated group.

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